Abortion clock/counter for the U.S., the world and Planned Parenthood
Abortion healing
Abortion pill reversal 877-558-0333
Adoption - Florida Baptist Children's Homes
Adoption attorneys
Florida's Adoption Program
National Council for Adoption
Advertiser on billboards, buses and monthly newsletter - Life Can
African American pro-life curriculum for churches and community outreach - Black Genocide
Blog here in Jacksonville - Inversehalo
Books, fliers and posters at reasonable rates - Hayes Publishing
Building a society that respects and protects all human life - American Life League Catholics United for Life, Jacksonville office - Tom Masters 904-318-3517
Challenging the agenda of the abortion mills - Life Decisions International
Checks with a pro-life message - Promise Checks 877-472-0907
Doula with discounted rates if you mention our website - Becca
Driving while pregnant Cooper Hurley
Educating students about abortion and provide them ways to educate others - Abort 73 Florida Right To Life
Florida's Foster Care - DCF
Frank Pavone and his strong pro-life message - Priests for Life
Healing after abortion. Confidential and compassionate - Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Information, research and education - Children of God for Life
Justice for the unborn, disabled and elderly - Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
Laws to protect human life - Americans United for Life
License plates in Florida that give back to local pregnancy centers - Choose Life License Plates
Links to additional pages including quotes from Ronald Reagan - Pro-Life links
Maternity Homes
News on abortion and euthanasia - Life News
News and commentary on life oriented issues - Pro-Life Blogs
Petition to protect babies in Florida - Human Life Protection Amendment
Precious Feet pins, Precious Hand pins, bumper stickers, t-shirts and many more pro-life items - Heritage House
Pregnancy centers with alternatives to abortion - Pregnancy Centers
Safe Haven Law
Signs that save lives - Anti-Abortion Signs
Student pro-life day of silent solidarity for those who cannot speak - Silent Day
Women who are concerned for the mothers and unborn baby - Concerned Women for America
Youth movement committed to end abortion - Generation Life